Prebid Analytics helps monitor the Prebid.js wrapper and optimize header bidding strategies, thereby improving overall revenue from online advertising.
AsterioBid is a Prebid analytics solution for AdOps agencies and publishers. It helps control the performance of the Prebid.js wrapper and consolidates all header bidding auction metrics in one place.
Visualize and export your traffic statistics. Real-time analytics are automatically displayed on the dashboard and in reports without day-long delays. View the aggregated performance visualization, including trends, all bidders, and inventory.
Control the performance of all the Prebid.js demand partners you work with in one place. View and compare the aggregated SSP statistics on key performance parameters, such as Revenue, Bid Rate, Timeout Rate, and Response Time.
Track where your traffic is coming from and evaluate the overall profitability metrics of each source/medium pair or campaign using UTM Analysis charts.